Heading back to Baton Rouge, Louisiana now for a tune from 9Slug, the first single from their upcoming record "9Slug III: Walls Of Hypocrisy." The band was originally active from 2003-2007, releasing two records and playing out heavily until they went on extended hiatus. That hiatus lasted 7 years, and they're just now getting ready to release another record. Patience and perseverance have paid off for 9Slug as they get ready to release the full album.
This single has been released for 2 months now, so it still makes the 5 Skull fresh deadline. However, with the release date of the full album still upcoming, "9Slug III: Walls Of Hypocrisy" as a whole is still so fresh, you can't quite take it out of the oven just yet. 9Slug were gracious enough to offer a spoonful of this new album though, and it's rather delightful.
So what are some images that come to mind when we think about a metal band from Southern Louisiana? For me, I immediately jump to Down and Crowbar as being the ambassadors of the regional sound. I adore the sludge metal sound, and I find that 9Slug has found their own way to embrace that style of music while evolving it enough to make it unique.
"Echoes Of Resolve" starts off with some sludging panned trickery by David Boley (Guitar). Scarlett (Bass) and Kelly Davis (Drums) build in and the main riff starts off trudging. Jaide Templet (Vocals) comes in harsh and high for the verse part here. Just when I'm wondering if this song is going to be a basic sludge metal example, the chorus comes in with awesome power. The vocal style changes over to clean but still dark and distinguished, and the guitar shows off some interesting changes. Davis even throws in a tasty fill on the drums. The parts turn around again, and Boley gives a reserved but tasteful guitar solo. Templet finishes his track with a wild extended scream, showing his impressive vocal ability.
This record is obviously a labor of love for 9Slug, and the writing on this track is solid. I do feel like the sound quality of the overall mix could have been a little better, but with an independent release the band has to work within the confines of a limited budget. It could be that the mix that I heard was compressed for size as well. I feel like these guys would be a lot of fun to hang out with at a live show. Fans of the dirty southern sludge metal sound will get into 9Slug. Friends who are in the area can catch them sharing a stage with Mushroomhead in New Orleans on August 26th, 2018.
Of course, you know what I'm going to say to end this review... YOU need to check this band out for yourself! Don't take my word for it, I'm just some guy! Click the links and give it up for 9Slug for submitting to 5 Skull Reviews!
Type: Released single
Release date: June 4th, 2018
Label: Self-released
How to get it:
3 out of 5 Skulls
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